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The game takes place in Valo City (possibly a play on the word \"velocity\"), a metropolis known for its vast underworld of illegal street racing. The plot of the game is to beat every club and accomplish the requirements to enter the Race of Champions, a prestigious racing competition where one can win a bonus car. Players have to race others on the streets during the day for prestige (respect) or money to customize the car. During the night, players can either participate in a drag race against another driver or watch the race. And also the newly added race tracks that allows the player to race their own vehicles against AI's on a race track to win a prize.
A unique feature of the game is its detailed level of customization for the vehicles. The player can buy a completely new car from the dealership, a used one from a local shop where they were already customized or even totaled, or build the car from scratch with a chassis. Unlike a traditional street racing video game if the player crashes their car the consequences are very real and must manually replace each part that got destroyed in the crash.
Dave Singh, the owner of, made a deal with Invictus Games, Ltd. stating that if the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign reached a minimum of $150,000, the development of the sequel to SLRR, Street Tuning Evolution, would officially begin, as long as the game was playable and the community was allowed to add content. $500,000 was demanded to make a complete game.
Unless specifically noted to the contrary herein, vehicles equipped with Chevrolet Performance parts that are emissions-related may not meet U.S., Canadian, and state and provincial laws and regulations relating to motor-vehicle emissions. These parts are designed and intended for use in vehicles operated exclusively for competition: in racing or organized competition on courses separate from public streets or highways. Visit for more details.
Here is a list of the 10 fastest production cars in the world ranked by top speed. All the cars you would expect are here, ranked from fastest to slowest (though calling any of these slow is blasphemy.) And to clarify, yes, all of these cars are street-legal.
Here's the 5 fastest cars I ever found to be true in surveys (online & reader's choice): 1. Bugatti Veyron 16.4, 2. Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo, 3. Koenigsegg CCX, 4. McLaren F1, 5. Edonis. Porche's new supercar was not included because it can be levelled as street-legal race car (like Mercedes Benz CLK-GTR), but can reach 254mph. Of all the magazine surveys I had read, Saleen S7 is the fastest at 253mph. Watch for the promising 18.4 of Bugatti, it may be the ultimate of all. Edonis was in concept production bred by Bugatti engine, but it can challenged McLaren F1. Lingelfelter Twin Turbo Corvette was theorize to reach 250mph but it's engine was adrenalize & customize.
Hustle by day and risk it all at night. Need for Speed Heat is a white-knuckle street racer where the rule of the law fades as the sun starts to set. By day, Palm City hosts the Speedhunter Showdown, a sanctioned competition where you earn Bank to customize and upgrade your high-performance cars. At night, ramp up the intensity in illicit street races that build your reputation, getting you access to bigger races and better parts.
LSRstands for Land Speed Record and that means only one place...TheBonneville Salt Flats, the Great White Dyno. We have the only gaspowered street legal bikes over 200 mph and we're damn proud of it. RBRacing doesn't race typewriters, we race motorcycles and when someonesays they get a 70% gain from their system, ask them for their 200mphBonneville Records or any records for that matter. Hell, if we racedtypewriters it sure would be a lot easier, not to mention cheaper.
JimSnyder set new speed records with his Sportster. We couldn't get him aCeramic Black pipe in time so we sent an unfinished pipe so he couldmake his race. We shipped his Black LSR 2-1 Pipe a few days later. Welove racing. It sure beats the hell out of parking and talking. Racebikes, even if they are street bikes always have a drama about thembecause they have stories to tell. 59ce067264
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